After doing a recent survey of rover activities (or lack there-of), I decided to go out on the fringe and activate many of the "rare" grids that the VUCC enthusiasts have been asking for. These grids are located within the Red River Valley (of the north) and south along I29. They include western MN, eastern ND and SD. During this expedition KØMHC/Rover operated with 100W on 6, 350W on 2, 180W on 1.25 and 150W on 0.7 meters (click on pictures for larger view).
What's New:
- Horz. stacked Yagis on 70 cm.
- Higher power on 2 meters
- Separate transmission lines for each band (4)
- "Easy-up" mechanical assist for push-up mast
- Sunday afternoon 6 meter opening
- Eyeball with Matt & Dave K0BBC/Rover
- Many VE4 contacts
- 6 meter amplifier failure
- Car battery failure (ending rove prematurely)
- Running behind published schedule due to highway detours
Click on grid below for 360 panoramic views:
(pictures not posted yet)
Start = EN15xx95
Stop 1 = EN16xa95
Stop 2 = EN17xc16
Stop 3 = EN18xa01
Stop 4 = EN27ax95
Stop 6 = EN28aa84
Stop 7 = EN17xc16
Stop 8 = EN16nw84
Stop 9 = EN15ox01
Stop 10 = EN15lj86
Running during EN25
Running during EN26
Finish = EN26ha
K0MHC/R activated 8 grids
Summary of results:
2013 ARRL June VHF QSO Party
ROVER MN Section
Band QSOs QSO pts. Mults.
50 49 49 25
144 55 55 14
222 26 52 8
432 26 52 8
TOTALS 156 208 55 + 8 = 63
50 49 49 25
144 55 55 14
222 26 52 8
432 26 52 8
TOTALS 156 208 55 + 8 = 63
2 meter grids:
1.25 meter grids:
0.7 meter grids:
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