"The Texas Hill Country Rovers" ride again!
January 2014 VHF Sweepstakes
(click on pictures for larger view)
W0JT/R @ EM01vc |
K0MHC/R @ EM01vc |
OBJECTIVES: Provide contacts with stations needing these grids, test new configurations and increase VHF activity during the January VHF contest.
During this expedition KØMHC/Rover operated:
- * 200W on 6 meters
- 300W on 2 meters
- 185W on 1.25 meters
- 160W on 0.7 meters
- 10W on 5.7 GHz
- 6W on 10 GHz
What's New and Improved:
- 2 x vertical stacked Yagis on 2 meters
- 2 x horizontal stacked Yagis on 1.25 meters
- 4 x Yagi array on 70 cm.
- Single, shared LM-600uf transmission line
- Dual band 5.7 & 10 GHz portable station
- "Easy-up" mechanical assist for all 4 mast sections
- Great roving weather (2nd year in a row)
- 5.7 & 10 GHz contacts with Al, W5LUA and Ben, NO5K
- Great propagation from the I35 scenic outlook (Ardmore, OK)
- Improved RMG participation on Sunday
- Improved antenna performance (except 1.25 meters)
- Both Bill, W3XO/5 and John, W0JT/rover with
equipment problems and Ron, K5LLL with schedule conflicts
- Running behind published schedule (again)
- *6 meter amplifier failure
Most Improved:
Moving much of the rover activity to the 144.210 MHz “running” frequency!
- John, W0JT/rover with better antennas, rotor and power
- K5QE limited multiop with better rover tracking
- Dick, K5AND & Ben NO5K running the bands from several grids
- Ray, W0IFS getting on the air with two bands
- Microwave (5/10 GHz) “fiddle-factor” effect on overall schedule
- 1.25 meter atmospheric band stop filter during most of the contest
- Need increased RMG, NTMS and Oklahoma stations
Thoughts for next January:
- Add the “looper” bands!
- Digital modes?
- Rover shotgun start?
- Reverse VUCC? http://www.csvhfs.org/vuccdesc.html
- 4-corner grid locations?
- Add run-and-gun antennas (to current stop-elevate-and-shoot configuration}?
- Find a local ham with VHF/UHF rover interests to help with set-up?
- Console carousal?
- Computer navigation?
- Computer logging?
Start = EM01vc
Stop 1 = EM02xa
Stop 2 = EM03we
Stop 3 = EM04va
Stop 4 = EM14kj
Stop 5 = EM13jc
Stop 6 = EM12iv
Stop 7 = EN11ga
K0MHC/R activated 8 grids
Summary of results:
2014 ARRL January VHF Sweepstakes K0MHC
Operators: K0MHC
Band QSOs QSO pts. Mults.
50 25 25 12
144 38 38 12
222 19 38 8
432 24 48 10
5760 2 16 1
10368 3 24 2
TOTALS: 111 189 45 + 8 = 53
Claimed score = 10,017
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